Mike Welch Well Drilling

(843) 340-0283 Call or text Mike for a quick response


Which is better for you – Shallow Irrigation Well, Deep Well or City Water? You have several options, from drilling a shallow irrigation well, drilling a deep well, using city water or using a combination of your choice. The water under the ground flows at different levels. God made it, and it's there at the level He put it in our region. You may have thought that the deeper the water, the purer and better the water. That's not necessarily true. Throughout our area, there is clean, clear, pure water in underground rivers at 35 to 40 feet below the surface of the earth. Underground rivers that produce pure, clean water flow - and are available at depths of 60 feet or less - are what we call "shallow" - this water can be obtained with an expert well driller whose focus is shallow wells, and it's pennies on the dollar compared to the expense of a deep well. We have produced hundreds and hundreds of shallow wells in our region, and we will be happy to chat with you about your area. Give us a call, because the expense of a deep water well may not be your only alternative. You'll get an honest evaluation and estimate from us. If we drill and get no water, you don't have to pay us. We look forward to answering your questions.

If you have an existing well or pump and something needs repair, we can help. We can determine if the problem is with your well or your pump. We are happy to help you.

You get to work with experts you can trust. We are licensed, insured, bonded and have SC Certification with DHEC. WE OFFER...

  • Shallow Irrigation Wells
  • Shallow Irrigation Well & Pump Systems
  • Commercial Pond-Fill Systems
  • Professional relationships with HOA's and Property Management Groups
  • We are not landscapers but we coordinate with your landscaper
  • Electrical hook-ups for your system
  • Pump Repair, Well Repair and Service Work
  • Iron Treatment Systems
  • Pitcher Pumps - if you're worried about emergencies with no power
  • Geothermal Installations
  • Duck Impoundments

IT IS ALWAYS OUR GOAL TO FIND NO-STAIN WATER FOR YOU. The water-bearing strata is underground, and it varies from neighborhood to neighborhood, and even yard to yard. It even changes over time. It is not a guarantee that stain-free water is in your underground area, but we have great experience in finding stain-free water where others have failed. We will do our best to find stain-free water for you. We also test your water as part of our service to you. If needed, we provide chemical tanks and solutions to connect to your irrigation system, to keep your sidewalk, driveway, and areas as stain-free as possible.